“Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise — the fruit of lips that openly profess His Name.”

- Hebrews 13:15 (NIV)

Sunday Morning Worship Gathering

Hearing God’s Word

We deeply value the preaching of Scripture, which transforms our hearts and shapes us into the image of Christ. Our sermons dig deep into the biblical text, with practical applications for our day-to-day lives. Our sermons are also available to watch on YouTube.

Singing His Praises

Our music ministry teams that lead our congregation in singing each week. Our style is blended, with a mix of contemporary and traditional music. We seek a balanced and diverse style. If you are a musician and would like to get involved, please speak with our Music Coordinator, Becky Good!

Praying Together

Every service, we open the floor to members of the congregation to share how God has been working in their lives. Then, we bring these praises and prayer requests to the Lord together.

Food & Fellowship

Just like Jesus and His disciples, we believe in the mysterious power of food to foster fellowship. After every service, we gather together for a time of fellowship and family, for nothing says “Family Time” like a good cup of coffee! We offer snacks and refreshments in our foyer every week. And several times a year, we get together for a good old-fashioned potluck or catered meal.

The Lord’s Supper

Twice a month, and on special occasions, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper. In remembrance of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on our behalf, we eat the bread and drink the cup as a sign of His continual presence, proclaiming the Lord’s death until He comes again.


Thinking of becoming a follower of Jesus? Baptism is the next step in making your commitment real! As a declaration of your faith in Jesus as Lord and Saviour, you are immersed in water, symbolizing the death of your past, sinful life in the death of Christ and being made alive through His resurrection. If you are interested in being baptized, please speak with Pastor Zack.

What To Expect

You are welcome to come as you are, whether you are all dressed up or in comfortable clothes.

Our facility is wheelchair accessible. There is also a chair lift available for going downstairs.